Using the free open source commenting software: Coral by Vox Media
1. Create a new empty "div" where you want the comment thread to appear
2. Set the ID of the div to "coral_thread"
3. Add an HTML embed element to the div and copy/paste the script code
You will need to replace {{YOUR_CORAL_INSTALLATION}} with your Coral Installation URL, removing the brackets.
4. Publish your site to view the comment thread.
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
s.src = '{{YOUR_CORAL_INSTALLATION}}/assets/js/embed.js';
s.async = false;
s.defer = true;
s.onload = function() {
id: "coral_thread",
autoRender: true,
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
This is the URL where you have installed Coral by Vox Media, the free open source commenting platform.
If you're not already running Coral by Vox Media, you can either:
As an open source application the Coral by Vox Media comment software is available as a free download. It must be installed on a Node.js server and requires both MongoDB & Redis databases.
You can run Coral yourself or use a hosting service provider that runs it for you and manages things like DB backups and server security. CommentsHome offers secure hosting of your comment database for a low monthly fee.
Feel free to comment below to try it out!
It's also possible to modify your collections to include a "comments" toggle that will automatically add comment threads to collection pages:
You can use Webflow's Variables to map to the comment thread's predefined variables. This let's you style the div without worrying about custom CSS files.
Create a font variable called "font-family-sans-serif" and then set that to your preferred font. You can also set a "font-family-secondary".
Create the following color variables in Webflow and it will auto override them on the coralStreamEmbed object. These are the common ones, but you can fully customize many more.
You can use Inspect in your browser to play with the thread's CSS.
For more advanced custom styling options see
This clone-able template includes the embed script without any custom styles applied. It uses {{YOUR_CORAL_INSTALLATION}} set to: (<- This url will not work on your site, sorry).